Why the World Needs Strong Women
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Why the World Needs Strong Women

September 09, 2021

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Strong women have the power to shape the world, and we need more of them. Learn how to become a powerful woman and bring about positive social change.


Throughout history, strong women have been shaping the world. Some did it in noticeable ways that society still honors and remembers long after their deaths. Others have quietly pressed for women’s rights and equality without a lot of fanfare. But they have all brought about change in their own way and deserve our gratitude for the great strides they’ve made for women’s rights around the world.


Different centuries are marked by the rise of remarkable women who were unstoppable. They changed the status quo and paved the way for the rest of us. Modern life would look very different for women without their powerful influences.


The 17th century had Lin Siniang (the incredible Ming Dynasty warrior who took on the remarkable task of training up an army of women). The 18th century gets the pleasure of claiming Lady Mary Montagu (the brilliant 18th-century noblewoman) as its own, while the 19th century can brag it up with the likes of Jane Austen and Alice Freeman Palmer (often referred to as the Pioneer of Women’s Education).


Rounding out the 20th and 21st centuries are famous women who have pushed the envelope in entertainment, science, politics, and women’s rights programs. A few names that stand out include Princess Diana, Eleanor Roosevelt, Audrey Hepburn, Rosa Parks, Marie Curie, Malala Yousafzai, Oprah Winfrey, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That’s quite a list, and it only scratches the surface of women who have publicly changed the world.


When compared to names like these, it’s normal for the rest of us to feel a little inconsequential. But the truth is, for every famous woman throughout history, there are thousands of women working anonymously behind the scenes to create positive social change. The key to our success is to unite and draw strength from each other. We are all powerful women, and perfectly capable of changing the world together.

What Defines a Strong Woman?

A strong woman isn’t necessarily someone who’s equipped with bulging muscles (though there are plenty of strong women who have this impressive feature!) Usually, when we talk about strong women, we’re speaking of women with remarkable emotional resilience and mental toughness. These traits help us ladies conquer a wide variety of challenges (including inequality, harassment, and stereotyping).


If you look at the female role models who have fought for gender equality and a broader future, you’ll notice a few common characteristics. All of these heroines are:


  • Persistent
  • Brave
  • Passionate
  • Knowledgeable
  • Skilled
  • Self-sufficient
  • Optimistic
  • Mentally tough


Strong women possess an inner strength that helps them rise above the roadblocks that are consistently placed in their ways. They see those roadblocks not as obstacles they can’t get past, but as stepping stones to greater empowerment and achievement. Strong women try to maintain optimal health in both body and mind so they can contribute to programs and practices that promote equality.

How Are Women Stronger Together?

Have you ever watched a colony of ants for more than a few minutes at a time? If you haven’t, you need to give it a try. You’ll probably come away from the experience both inspired and stunned. A single ant is remarkably strong by itself and can lift 5,000 times its own body weight. While that’s an incredible feat, it’s nothing compared to what a colony of ants can do together.


There’s no question that ants have each other’s backs. If danger approaches, ants work together to fight it off. They have even been observed connecting their legs and creating rafts out of their own bodies in flood conditions to prevent each other from drowning. Most ant colonies are so united in purpose that they behave almost like a single organism.


Though people are nothing like ants, we can still learn some important lessons from the tiny insects. For example, we can learn that communication, organization, and cooperation bring mutual empowerment. As a woman, you can gain strength from other women, and vice versa. Even a naturally timid girl can find greater courage when she’s surrounded by strong women who are committed to making an impact on the world.

Why Is Connecting With Women Important?

There are a lot of benefits to connecting with other women in school, in the workplace, and in other aspects of our lives. Quality relationships with female mentors and peers can help prepare young girls to make the most out of life and take advantage of the right professional opportunity when it comes along.


According to Forbes, professional women who support other women tend to be more successful. It’s important to push this truth so we can get rid of the old stereotype that women are too competitive to support each other. From elementary school girls to college women, it’s time for all of us females to realize there is power in the pack. We are so much stronger together than we could ever be alone.

How Can Women Unite?

Uniting with other strong women may seem like a scary task, but it’s easier than you think (and so empowering!) We can all learn from each other’s experiences and draw on each other’s strengths and skills to improve our own.


One beautiful example of how any young woman can unite with other women is illustrated in the Carly Pinchin blog. Arguably one of the best quotes from the blog is the following snippet from Chelsea Handler: “We have a whole generation of girls who are looking at us to see how we treat each other. Let’s show them what the power of being a woman really looks like.”


With that inspiring quote lighting a fire of determination beneath our feet, let’s talk about some of the specific ways we can show the world the power of womanhood. Nice thoughts and inspiring quotes are wonderful and motivating, but their purpose is to push us to action, right? So let’s jump right in and talk about how every strong girl and woman can work together to improve women’s rights and demand accountability for equality in our culture.


If you’re looking for specific ways to unite in the fight against gender bias, you can find a lot of helpful information on the LeanIn website. From tips for becoming a mentor for young people to detailed instructions for being a workplace ally, the information you’ll find on this site is like gold. If you have a few minutes, watch KaDee Strickland’s story. It will simultaneously enrage you and inspire you to support other women and become a leader for women’s rights.

How To Fight Inequality

The world needs more strong women who are dedicated to fighting against inequality. Some of the most prominent examples of gender inequality include:


  • Lack of representation in government
  • Sexual harassment
  • Unequal pay
  • Reduced access to healthcare
  • Lack of education
  • Economic dependency
  • Sexual assault, rape, and other forms of violence


We have a very long history of inequality to fight against. Some historians believe gender inequality against women as a societal construct began approximately 8,000 years ago. No wonder it’s so challenging to change the social norms when we have such a lengthy past of repression!


But as we’ve already learned, strong women are persistent and resilient. We don’t give up when things get tough. When society pushes against us, we push right back. And in the end, we bring greater strength and social health to every community we live in.


When members of our society tell us we’re helpless or “less than,” we have every right to prove them wrong. Here are some things we can do to fight inequality in our daily lives.


  • Listen to what women have to say
  • Teach youth that they have the power to enact positive change
  • Support the right to girls’ education around the world
  • Never allow excuses for sexual harassment in any form
  • Demand equal pay for equal work
  • Speak out passionately against misogynistic behaviors
  • Promote the equal sharing of childcare and household chores
  • Volunteer for a nonprofit organization or program dedicated to empowering females
  • Support women in power


These are all great ways to take part in the long and tiring fight toward greater equality. As long as there are strong women on the front lines of this battle, our collective future looks very bright. 

How To Fight Violence Against Women

Violence against women is inexcusable, but it is sadly much more common than it should be. According to the World Health Organization, approximately one out of every three women around the world has been subjected to some type of violence (often by a sexual partner). This is an alarming statistic that profoundly impacts the physical, emotional, and mental health of the impacted women.


To fight violence against women, here are a few things we can all do:


  • Encourage lawmakers to pass and enforce laws protecting women from violence and discrimination. 
  • Make the public aware of the heinous practice of child marriage in countries around the world and encourage lawmakers to stop this violation of human rights.
  • Educate youth on human rights and explain what violations of human rights are so they can recognize them easily.
  • Encourage women to vote and urge female candidates to run.
  • Become an advocate for survivors of violence.
  • Work to improve training and skills for women so they can achieve financial independence and get out of abusive situations.


We should also watch for signs that domestic abuse may be happening to women we know. Unfortunately, poor mental health due to abuse isn’t visible like the bruises and scars from physical abuse. But if we have reason to believe abuse may be occurring, it’s important to reach out in love and encourage the victim to receive medical help and counseling. We can also let them know that there are women’s shelters, crisis centers, and safe houses where they can go to remove themselves from dangerous situations.

How To Stand Up for Other Women

It can be scary to stand up for ourselves, but standing up for other women is a great way to find our courage and our voice. If you need a little nudge, browse through this list of quotes about strong women who lift and strengthen each other. Then determine to become like the women you most strongly admire.


Standing up for other women is as easy as doing for them what you would want other women to do for you. Let the women around you know you’re there for them and are prepared to do what it takes to make sure they’re treated fairly. Simply being present and displaying quiet strength may be all another woman needs to realize she doesn’t need to meet anyone’s expectations but her own.


If each of us can inspire just one person to stand up for women’s rights, then our efforts have been worthwhile. Who’s to say the person we inspire won’t go on to become a lawmaker, influencer, or even a world leader who will become a champion for women’s rights?

How Mixhers Improves Life for Women

Here at Mixhers, we celebrate and applaud strong women of all ages and walks of life. We know firsthand that no one can hold a determined woman back, no matter how hard they might try. Our company was founded by a passionate, resolute, and devoted woman who made it her mission to empower other women by providing them with gender-specific products designed to improve female health.


Unlike most supplements on the market, our products are formulated by women, for women. They are made with natural ingredients that safely nudge female hormones back into proper balance. Our products make life easier for women by minimizing their monthly discomfort and providing them with the nutrients they need to be strong, healthy, and empowered. Because after all, empowerment begins with taking control of one’s own health and wellness.


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