Let us introduce you to the pain-free period

Periods are scary! Right? So many women find themselves stocking up on pain relievers, tissues, and chocolate ice cream just to cope with the monthly pain and discomfort their menstrual cycle brings along.

Periods don't
have to suck

So many of the obnoxious negatives your period brings along with it (mood swings, period-related acne, cramps, bloating, excessive bleeding, crazy cravings, dizziness, and more) are all just symptoms that can be treated and done away with by proper nutrition.

That’s why we created

Hertime is super-powered supplement that helps you take back your time of the month. Our doctors and experts have created a synergistic blend of ingredients that nourish your body and balance your hormone levels. Most importantly, it manages estrogen, progesterone levels while reducing inflammation and bloating.

Essential Ingredients

Peony Root




Kelp Leafe

It’s time to take back your life, period.

Experience all Mixhers has to offer in one pack.

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