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Female Sex Drive: What Is Considered Normal?

July 14, 2021

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When you hear the term "normal sex drive," what do you think of?

For so many of us, our perception of "normal" can actually be highly influenced by pop culture, social media, and even our own assumptions. But these perceptions are often not grounded in reality.


What may be portrayed as "normal" for the stars of a popular reality TV show may feel completely unrelatable and unattainable for women who are trying to squeeze sex onto an already overwhelming To Do list. When we hold ourselves to such a false standard, we'll probably end up feeling like we're falling short, even when that's not necessarily true.


Sex drive (also commonly referred to as libido) is a term that refers to a person's desire to be sexually intimate. A high libido indicates an increase in desire for sex, while a low libido means just the opposite. Some women experience consistently high libido levels while others may struggle with low libido throughout their lives. So what makes the difference?

What Is a Healthy Sex Drive and What Roles Do Hormones Play?

Many women struggle at various times with our sexual desire, leaving us wondering, "Why is my sex drive low?"


When it comes to sexual desire, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Generally speaking, a healthy sex drive means that you have a desire to engage in sexual activity that feels satisfying and fulfilling for you. We all want to feel confident and fulfilled in our sexual experiences, but it's important to recognize that hormonal changes can significantly impact our sex drives.


A healthy female sex drive can vary from woman to woman and change throughout our lives due to factors such as age, overall health, and hormonal fluctuations. Hormones like estrogen and testosterone play a crucial role in regulating sexual desire in women, and imbalances or deficiencies can lead to issues with low libido and difficulties with arousal.


Understanding the role of hormones can help us identify and address any underlying issues, so we can enjoy satisfying and fulfilling sexual experiences. Remember, sex should be a fun and enjoyable experience, so if you're struggling with your sex drive, don't hesitate to seek help and find what works best for you and your partner. If you're not feeling it, there's no need to force it.


But it's also important to know that some of us may deal with occasional or persistent sexual issues, such as consistently low libido and difficulties with arousal. When this happens, we'll want to get to the bottom of the issue so we can make our lives in the bedroom as satisfying as possible.


While many elements combine to help create each of our unique sex drives, some things tend to differentiate women who identify as highly sexual from women with lower levels of desire.

What Are Common Causes of Higher Sex Drive?

Some women seem to always be in the mood for sex. Many complex factors contribute to a higher sex drive, some possible reasons for a robust libido include:


  • Exercise. Women who exercise frequently are more likely to experience increased sexual desire than women who live sedentary lifestyles.
  • Decreased stress. When we lower our stress levels, we are more likely to feel sexually aroused more frequently. Reducing stress also leads to improved mental health, so it's well worth learning what stress management techniques work best for you. Practicing meditation, breathing deeply, and setting healthy boundaries are a great place to start.
  • Adjusted medications. Some medications are known to kill your sex drive. If you're taking beta-blockers, SSRIs, antidepressants, or birth control, you may be able to point to them for your sudden lack of sexual motivation. Adjusting your medications or slowly going off of certain medications (with the green light from your healthcare provider, of course) can lead to a boost in sexual desire. Or, if you've recently been put on one of these medications, keep in mind that you may experience low sexual desire until your body adjusts to them.
  • Improved mental health. Have you ever noticed how your sexual desire seems to improve after starting a wellness routine, getting a promotion, or experiencing a happy occasion in your life? That's because an improved mood and mental health almost always lead to an increase in female libido. So if you're struggling with your sexual function, identify what fulfills you and prioritize your own joy.
  • Good sexual partner. It takes two to tango, and if you're having a hard time feeling aroused when engaging in sexual intercourse, your sexual partner needs to know. Your partner may not know what type of preparation you need to maintain optimal sexual function, or they may be a little too focused on their own sexual climax. For those of us who need extra help fostering sexual interest, it's important to let our intimate partners know what we need in the bedroom. Good sex often begins with good talk.
  • Phase of menstrual cycle. When we think of our sexual desire, our menstrual cycle is probably the furthest thing from our minds. But where we are at in our cycle can have a big impact on our sex drive. There is a sweet spot in the ovarian cycle that usually comes right before, during, or right after ovulation.
  • Natural supplements. Mixhers offers an all-natural solution to help relieve stress, support sex-drive hormones, and increase sensitivity and sensation. Mixhers Libido includes active ingredients like Libifem, beet root, inositol, maca, and pomegranate. Clinical studies reveal positive correlations between taking Libifem and sex drive, including orgasm, arousal, and overall experience. 

Increased sexual desire isn't a problem unless it's so pronounced that it interferes with our ability to live life normally. Otherwise, if you have periods of increased female sexual desire, enjoy!

What Are Common Causes of Decreased Libido?

Many women struggle to maintain good sexual health. It's more common for women to experience periods of decreased sex drive than for men. In fact, one study found that the “Prevalence of low sexual desire ranged from 26.7% among premenopausal women to 52.4% among naturally menopausal women.“


Everyone's situation is different, but here are some of the more common causes of low sexual desire in women:


  • Changes in hormones. A variety of hormones stimulate the female sex drive, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Higher levels of estrogen and progesterone are generally associated with increased sexual desire. Testosterone is also closely linked to libido control in both men and women. While you may think of testosterone as primarily a male hormone, the fact is that women rely on healthy testosterone levels to maintain good sexual health, as well. 
  • Menopause. It's common for a lot of things to slow down as we age, including our sex hormone levels, desire, and activity. As our testosterone level decreases and our estrogen level fizzles, we may start to feel less excited about intimacy with our significant other. However, it's also important to note that a woman's libido can fluctuate quite a bit throughout her life. So even if you don't feel like having a lot of sexual activity now, you may experience a peak in your sexual drive a month or year from now. Generally, however, sexual intimacy tends to trend downward once you reach age 60.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy turns your hormones inside-out and upside-down. During pregnancy, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone levels fluctuate frequently. These changes can cause us to feel irritable, tired, and moody.
  • Chronic conditions. Heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions can lead to female sexual dysfunction. If you have any of these conditions, consider talking with your doctor about what you can do to improve your sexual function and pleasure.
  • Relationship dissatisfaction. No matter how healthy your mind and body may be, you may experience decreased sexual desire due to dissatisfaction with your relationship. If your partner isn't treating you well or if you doubt your worth to him or her, you're more likely to experience sexual problems such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
  • Medications. Some medications and treatments are known to cause sexual concern due to their impact on libido. These include antidepressants, female hormonal contraceptives, beta-blockers, and chemotherapy.

How Can I Maintain a Healthy Sex Drive?

Maintaining a healthy sex drive is essential for our overall well-being as women. While various factors can influence our sexual desire, hormones play a crucial role in regulating it. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone affect our libido levels, and any changes in their balance can lead to fluctuations in our sex drive.


It's important to prioritize our hormonal health through lifestyle choices, medical treatments, regular check-ups, and smart use of supplements that will support and enhance the body's sex drive rather than suppress it.

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