Empowering Facts About Menopause Every Woman Should Know
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Empowering Facts About Menopause Every Woman Should Know

December 03, 2024

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For generations, menopause was shrouded in secrecy—a topic whispered about but rarely discussed openly. Women often referred to it as "The Change," avoiding the realities tied to their bodies, such as fluctuating estrogen levels, changes in the ovaries, or irregular periods signaling the end of the menstrual cycle.

Today, we’re breaking the silence. Menopause is a natural and vital part of women's health. Understanding the symptoms of menopause, such as those experienced during the menopausal transition and postmenopause, is empowering. Knowledge helps women navigate this stage confidently, whether it's after their last period, following a hysterectomy, or as a result of premature menopause.

By fostering open conversations about menstruation, the impact of birth control, breast cancer risks, and ovarian health, women can support one another and create a path for future generations to embrace this transition with strength.

Here’s an expert roundup of menopause research to help you and the women you love thrive through this life phase.

The Menopause Journey

“Menopause is a significant milestone in a woman's life, marked by the end of her menstrual period. For about 5% of women, early natural menopause occurs between the ages of 40 and 45, often accompanied by mood changes and other hormonal shifts.”

***** National Library of Medicine 


Perimenopause, the transition to menopause, typically begins in a woman's mid- to late 40s and lasts an average of four years before the time of menopause. During this phase, many women experience symptoms like weight gain, irregular periods, and mood instability. The average age for menopause is between 45 and 55, and the transition itself often spans about seven years.”

*****   U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


“Each year, over 1 million women in the U.S. reach menopause, underscoring the importance of understanding and embracing this natural phase of life.”

*****   National Institute on Aging


“This transition is a major midlife event in women’s lives, usually beginning   between ages 45 and 55   and   lasting for about 7   years."
*****   National Institute on Aging


"Postmenopause, which begins after a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a period, represents a new chapter. With up to 40% of their lives spent in this stage, women often explore lifestyle changes, treatment options, and even antidepressants to manage common symptoms like hot flashes, bone health concerns, and hormonal changes."

*****   American Heart Association 

Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, and More

“The menopausal transition is often marked by a variety of health conditions and symptoms that can impact a woman’s well-being. Hot flashes, one of the most common symptoms, affect 80% of women during menopause.”

*****   Stanford Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology

“Sudden waves of warmth, often accompanied by sweating, flushes, and a rapid heartbeat, typically last 1 to 5 minutes but can persist for up to 14 years after menopause. Night sweats, another common discomfort, often disrupt sleep and exacerbate mood swings and mental health challenges.”

*****   U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


“Many women also experience genitourinary syndrome of menopause, which includes vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation caused by thinning vaginal mucosa and reduced elasticity. This can increase the risk of urinary tract infections and incontinence. Studies reveal that 50% to 75% of women endure these symptoms, especially those with early menopause due to medical conditions or surgeries.”

*****   National Library of Medicine

“As of 2023,   45 percent of older women in the United States said menopause had extremely impacted their sleep, while a further one in three reported their mental health or mood had been extremely impacted by menopause.”

*****   Statista: Health, Pharma, & Medtech

Hot flashes   are the most common menopause-related discomfort. They involve a sudden wave of heat or warmth often accompanied by sweating, reddening of the skin, and rapid heart beat. They   usually last 1 to 5 minutes.”

*****   The North American Menopause Society

Navigating Menopause with Your Doctor

“In 2019, researchers sent an anonymized survey to trainee doctors to assess their preparedness for menopause management and their knowledge of this area of medicine. Fewer than 7% felt adequately prepared to treat people experiencing menopause, and the survey identified important knowledge gaps.”

***** Mayo Clinic

“A Yale University review of insurance claims found that while 60% of women with significant menopausal symptoms seek treatment, nearly 75% are left untreated.”

***** The Journal of The Menopause Society

“After menopause, calcium needs go up to maintain bone health. Doctors recommend that women 51 and older get 1,200 milligrams of calcium each day.”

***** U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Menopause in the Workplace: The Untold Costs

“47% of women who have taken a sick day due to menopause symptoms say they wouldn’t tell their employer the real reason.”

***** HealthMatch

“About 4 percent of employers that offer sick leave are providing additional support for menopause, such as access to hormone therapy and counseling."

"Roughly a third of respondents (32 percent) said they hadn't considered it but would be open to offering such a benefit within the next five years.”


“When menopause benefits are provided by an employer, 58 percent of women said the offerings have had a positive impact on their work, mostly by allowing them 'to bring their best selves to work' (40 percent).”

***** Society for Human Resource Management

“A newly published Mayo Clinic study puts numbers on that cost: an estimated $1.8 billion in lost work time per year and $26.6 billion annually when medical expenses are added, in the U.S. alone.”

***** Mayo Clinic

Empowering the Future and Breaking the Taboo

Menopause may have once been a taboo topic, but times are changing and women are breaking the cycle of silence and stigma. We can empower not just ourselves, but also the women who come after us, so they can thrive through perimenopause and beyond.

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