This means a healthy and normal period. Your flow should be moderately heavy on day one, heaviest on day two and then begin to taper off as your period comes to an end. It’s also normal for the color to oxidize and turn brown towards the end of your flow as it is exposed to more air.
This may indicate low estrogen levels, extreme exercise, extreme dieting and/or a nutrient deficiency. It is usually accompanied with light bleeding too. It’s common for female professional athletes to stop ovulating and lose their periods. It may not seem like a big deal but long-term low estrogen levels can increase your risk of osteoporosis, causing your bones to become weak and fragile. If you have recently changed your workout or eating habits and notice light pink periods, you may want to reconsider your workouts and/or talk with your health practitioner.
This may indicate high estrogen levels. It’s usually accompanied by heavy bleeding and/or clots. Can also be associated with PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts or fibroids.
If it starts out brown and almost streaky on the first day, this may indicate low progesterone or it could be old oxidized blood from your previous cycle and your uterus didn’t clear it all out. Vaginal steaming can help with clearing out old blood from the uterus. Brownish in color is normal at the end of your period though. You may experience cycles with high anxiety or depression, mood swings, stress, low sex drive and all PMS symptoms if your progesterone is too low.
Bright orange or gray may be a sign of vaginal infection or it’s blood mixed with cervical fluid. Make an appointment with your doctor.