angry woman having outburst

How to Combat Angry Emotions on Your Period

Do you ever ask yourself, “Why am I so emotional on my period?” Learn more about the hormones behind your emotions and how to control your PMS anger. 

Emotions help make life interesting. Whether we’re feeling happy, sad, excited, or angry, emotions help remind us that we’re alive. That doesn’t mean that all emotions are pleasant or welcome at all times. For some of us, they become particularly hard to control when we’re approaching our menstrual period. A week or two before our period starts, we may experience mood changes that include irritation and anger. 

Here’s what you should know about the hormones behind your PMS mood swings and why they cause mood symptoms right before and during menstrual bleeding. We’ve also provided you with some tips for how to control PMS anger. 

Do Most Women Feel Cranky on Their Period?

You’d be hard-pressed to find any woman who enjoys the way she feels when she’s on her period. Premenstrual exacerbation is a real thing and can cause women to feel more annoyed than usual right before and during menstruation. 

While the common symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle can be annoying, some women experience them more intensely than others. Women with moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome often experience severe symptoms that women without PMS don’t experience. PMS symptoms include physical symptoms such as breast tenderness and abdominal cramping, as well as emotional symptoms such as depression, irritation, and mood swings. 

It makes sense that all of these undesirable symptoms can cause even the calmest woman to experience psychological symptoms that impact her mental health for one to two weeks out of the month. So try not to come down too hard on yourself if your usual sunny disposition is replaced by feelings of depression and irritation during menstruation. 

What Causes Anger on Your Period? 

There is a stereotype that suggests PMS symptoms cause women to become sad and weepy during menstruation, but the opposite is true for many of us. Some of us would like nothing better than to punch something (or someone) during our menstrual cycle. Increased anger and irritability can typically be explained by the hormonal changes our bodies go through as we approach menstruation. 

Feeling anger during your period may not be unusual, but it’s still not desirable. When you experience noticeable mood swings during specific portions of your menstrual cycle, it could be an indication that your hormone levels are not optimally balanced. Though it’s normal for hormonal changes to occur at certain points of your cycle, your hormones should still remain balanced throughout those changes. Hormone imbalances are closely tied to declining mental health. 

When one of your hormones (typically estrogen or progesterone) drops too low or rises too high, you can experience mild to severe premenstrual symptoms as a result. Most people think of breast tenderness, bloating, and other physical symptoms when they think of premenstrual syndrome. But mood swings, depression, and irritability are also common symptoms associated with premenstrual disorders.  

Estrogen and progesterone aren’t the only hormones involved in premenstrual syndrome mood regulation. Low serotonin levels have also been linked to PMS symptoms. Serotonin is a natural mood booster. When estrogen and progesterone levels drop around the time of ovulation, serotonin may also drop in some women. This drop in the body’s “feel-good hormone” could explain why some women are so prone to mood swings around the time of menstruation.  

How Can I Be Less Angry on My Period?

Are you tired of alienating your friends and family members because of your PMS mood swings? Here are some tips and lifestyle changes for minimizing PMS mood swings and taking better care of your mental health. 

  • Try herbal supplements. Some herbs (such as lavender) are known to induce feelings of calmness, while others (such as dong quai) can help balance hormones to reduce mood swings and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Many different herbal supplements can potentially help you get through your period without severe symptoms, but Hertime PMS is one of the best. It’s a natural treatment for PMS that is formulated with dong quai, Siberian ginseng, white peony, and other herbs that can help you feel less irritated and more relaxed during your period. 
  • Try magnesium. Some research shows that low levels of magnesium are linked to mood swings. Try taking a magnesium supplement during the second half of your cycle to avoid irritation and anger associated with premenstrual syndrome. 
  • Change your diet. The foods you eat can impact how you feel throughout the month. For optimal health, try to limit added sugars and highly processed foods. Add more whole foods to your diet. The more nutritious your diet is, the better your mental and physical health tends to be. 
  • Exercise daily. Even a few minutes of exercise can help boost oxygen throughout your body and increase your serotonin levels. Exercise can not only improve your general mood, but it may also help minimize symptoms of mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and severe depression. 
  • Consider getting off of birth control. Many women take birth control to prevent pregnancy or treat severe period symptoms. But the birth control pill can actually make hormone imbalances worse and lead to even more severe premenstrual symptoms. If you think birth control may be responsible for your worsening mood swings, talk to your doctor about other contraception options. 
  • Get more sleep. Anyone can easily get cranky after a night of poor sleep. When you’re already uncomfortable due to premenstrual symptoms, insufficient sleep can compound the effects of your negative mood. During your period, try to get more sleep than usual to keep your mood swings in check.

What Is PMDD?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (or PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. It’s kind of like premenstrual syndrome on steroids. Women with PMDD experience many of the same physical and psychological symptoms as women with premenstrual syndrome, but on a more severe scale. 

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is not very common, but can severely impact the quality of life for women who experience symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, premenstrual dysphoric disorder can cause extreme mood swings that can damage relationships and become potentially disabling. 

In addition to mood disorder symptoms, PMDD also causes intense physical discomfort and pain. Symptoms usually begin up to 10 days before the start of your period and may continue through the first few days of bleeding. 

If you experience severe mood swings or have thoughts of hurting yourself, please see your primary care physician or a specialist as soon as possible. Your doctor may prescribe potentially life-saving medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) for your condition. SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. They work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

If you’re looking for a PMDD natural treatment, try the following:

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently to avoid stomach upset and bloating
  • Avoid caffeine during the second half of your cycle
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
  • Stay hydrated
  • Give acupuncture a try
  • Take a warm bath with essential oils or Epsom salts
  • Try meditation
  • Take hormone-balancing supplements

Many women have a lot of success with these natural remedies. In addition to helping you manage PMDD, the tips above could also help you with handling PMS anger.  

How Can I Experience Healthy Emotions During My Period?

Want more tips for experiencing healthy emotions during your period? Head over to Mixhers resources and check out our articles on balancing hormones and improving mental health through lifestyle changes and supplementation.   


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